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Designing the experience for the brand called You.

History of personal branding Personal branding is a term that dates back to 1937 in the book Think and Grow by Napolean Hill. While its reference may not be specific to the modern age we live in today, its implications still stand strong.  “A personal brand is a widely-recognized and largely uniform perception or impression […]

The ‘How can I get a cool website for my startup while I’m broke’​ guide.

Dear broke startup founder, You don’t need a backend developer, a front end developer and a UI-UX specialist to create your static company website for you. Sincerely, Every honest consultant ————————————————————————————————————— Most often early-stage founders tend to find themselves in a position where they don’t have the money but they do have the time and […]

10 amazingly useful chrome extensions!

10 Chrome extensions that are amazingly useful. “Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.” – Kafka. In a day and age where technology is at the centre of our daily life, you could use all the help you can get. So, if you’re like me and you enjoy […]


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